Must Do Better.

I tried to purchase something on zulily today, and my credit card was declined. I knew that we had been inching toward maxing it out, but I didn’t know how close we were. I had been burying my head in the sand. I had been using that card for everything that I wanted to buy but knew I shouldn’t. *cough cough starbucks cough cough* And no, I did not rack up thousands of dollars of credit card debt at starbucks. But the coffee habit didn’t help matters.

For a hot second, I felt extremely guilty and ashamed. I still feel a little of both, but I’m working on turning that guilt and shame into a resolve to do better, fueled by some righteous anger about “the system”.

There are so many angles I can take on this. So many reasons and back-stories and pressures and ingrained cultural habits that make up “the system”. Rich kids grow up into rich adults, and poor kids grow up into poor adults. yada yada yada. Well, I was one of four girls to a single teenage mom on welfare. So we know what side of the rich/poor equation I come from.

The odds are stacked against me in so many ways. By the time I was graduating from high school, my mom was married to a man who could not keep a job. But when he did have a job, it was a high-paying (what I considered high-paying- like $80k or so) job. Because of that I got zero financial aid for college. Another story for another day is how I was able to slip through the cracks of my wealthy public high school, but know that that also contributed to my financial situation. I married a man who had student loan debt and credit card debt, and we spent a good six years paying off that credit card debt (still working on the student loans).

That same man also ended up not being able to keep a job. The last time he had a major job loss was three years ago, and it (along with his actions that caused him to be sacked) wrecked our family. Shortly after that, he became deathly sick and had to have a series of three surgeries, keeping him out of work for seven months. During that time, we barely got by on untimely disability pay plus my job. And we started using our credit card to pay basic bills.

By the time we started to come up for air with the advent of his new job last fall, I think we were feeling pretty purchase-deprived. Things that needed to happen but hadn’t (home repairs, car repairs, etc) came at us in an overwhelming rush. Things we wanted to do/buy/have dangled in front of us, tempting us to reach out and take them. And we did. Oh, we did. We ARE. We are still actively making purchases that we do not truly need and that are not helping us work toward financial stability. It is HARD to stop. Even facing the consequences squarely in the eye, it is hard to deny the pleasure of a purchase. There is always a way to rationalize it. Always a way to frame the want into a need.

I pulled up a few money blogs after my zulily transaction was denied. It fueled my fire of anger for how I got here. It is so incredibly unfair. All of it. I’m not saying I’m not to blame for being where I am. I know I’m responsible for my own money. I also know that there are lots of reasons why I am in this financial position while, for example, my step-sister-in-law lives in a half million dollar house (that’s a lot in this area) with her partner-at-an-accounting-firm husband, putting sparkly quartz countertops in their four-year-old’s private bathroom that is bigger than my kitchen.

Unless I win the lottery- the BIG lottery- I will never be in that place. BUT, I know that I am the only one who can take my financial future by the reins and drive. I do not have a partner in this- my husband will not help, and may, in fact, hinder financial progress. Because of this, I have easily given up in the past. I ask for help, he says okay, he does the opposite. We make a budget together, he completely ignores it. But instead of just throwing it all out the window because it is HARD to get ahead, I am just going to have to be PERSONALLY better. I can only control my own actions. I cannot control my husband. I cannot change my past. I cannot overhaul the entire American system. I can only do me.

Summer Photo Scavenger Hunt

I landed, today, on a blog that is doing a summer photo scavenger hunt. This blogger had a list of several random items to take photos of and blog/instagram. I wanted to participate, but then I was deterred by this blogger’s attempted ownership of the project. One of the items is even a photo of you holding a sign with the name of the scavenger hunt and a rule that you cannot change the name of the scavenger hunt.

Well, sorry, but I’m out. I don’t like rules, especially on artistic projects, and especially especially on projects that are not someone’s unique idea. Photo scavenger hunts have been around for a very long time. So while I liked many of the items she had listed, and I like the idea in general, that’s as far as that goes. And since my blog is not about monetizing or blog networking or comment counts or pageclicks, I feel perfectly fine about coming up with my own summer scavenger hunt. Feel free to “steal” my list, name it something else, change the items around, instagram with whatever hashtag you want, and generally just use it as a leaping off point for a fun summer project.

So, without further ado, the list:

1. A kite
3. Weeds
4. Boredom
5. Work
6. A duck
7. A pool
8. Imagination
9. Heat
10. Whimsy
11. Public art that is actually good
12. Ugly
13. A toad
14. Horse Kapucky
15. Reading
16. Dreaming
17. Climbing
18. A storm
19. A mosquito
20. Your feet
Bonus items, earning you ten extra sniffs of unicorn poop:
21. A mosquito in the act of biting someone
22. A sad stranger
23. Pride
24. A bear
25. A prank
A few rules and notes:
1. There are no rules. Do what you want.
2. If you have to ask if something counts, it probably DOES.
3. I know what horse kapucky looks like. Don’t try to trick me.
4. Regarding number 20, apparently I’m a blogger, so this is obligatory or something.
5. Regarding number 24, I am taking a solo hiking/kayaking trip this weekend, and I hope I do not come back with a picture of a bear. But if I do, at least I will be able to check it off the list.